A Member Owned Non-Profit Corporation
Can I change the billing address on my water account if I am a renter?
No, you cannot. The member listed on the account (property owner) can request a Change of Billing Address form, fill it out, sign it, and mail it back to Three Lakes Water Association. Once the completed form is received the billing address will be changed on the account. Please note that the member will need to do the same process to change the address back to the original. Another option offered to members is duplicate bills. The member (property owner) must request a duplicate bill to be sent to a different address and approve an additional $5.00 charge for each additional bill per billing period. The Duplicate Bill Request form must be completed and returned to begin that process.
Can I add or change a name on my water account?
No, not unless the member can provide legal documentation showing a change of property ownership.
Can I get account information from a previous member?
No. An exception to this is an Escrow company requesting an estimated or final utility bill request, in which case we would provide the amount owed on the account to get the amount owed paid before the membership transfers. If a member has not provided written and signed documentation authorizing them to access prior volume and usage history, Three Lakes Water Association prohibits such information from being shared.
Can I have the late fee on my account removed?
Every member has the option to request a one-time late fee removal, pending approval by the General Manager.
Can I pay my bill over the phone or online?
No, please send bill payments through the United States mail or use our online bill payment service. The staff at Three Lakes Water Association is consistently busy and taking care of issues in the field that need attention. The gate at the office site will remain closed.
Can I set up automatic payments?
You cannot set up automatic payments through Three Lakes Water Association at this time. Your bank may offer automatic payments by monthly printed check – contact your bank for further details.
How do I read my water meter?
Our staff can walk you through the process to read your water meter over the phone or you can watch the informational YouTube videos below. Each video shows a different type of water meter. Both types are used at the Association. If you watch the video but still have questions or concerns, please contact our staff.
How do I turn off the water at my meter?
Our staff can walk you through the process to turn water on or off at your water meter over the phone or you can watch the informational YouTube video below. Please keep in mind that this video was created by another water system and the information for the system is not representative of the Association's information, visit the contact page for that information. This video is simply a visual reference for how to turn water on or off at your meter. If you have any questions, please contact Association staff.
When are bills due?
When are the Association's board meetings?
Why didn’t I receive my water bill?
Why is my water pressure low?
Why is there no water?