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To protect the health of the public by ensuring safe and reliable drinking water

at the lowest cost possible to the members in a responsible manner.



Office Hours are 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday - Friday, except for federal holidays. All Association employees perform tasks in the field which means that the office is not always open during our open hours. If you need to conduct business at the office, please call ahead and schedule a time with staff to visit the office.



JANUARY 14th, 2025

The Three Lakes Water Association's monthly board meeting is held in person at the Association office, and virtually on Zoom, every second Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be held:

Tuesday, January 14th, 2024 at 6:00 p.m.


If any members wish to address the Board,

Please email our board president: Marek Jedrejewicz, at with any questions, comments or concerns so he can report them to the Board at the meeting. If any member would like to attend the next monthly board meeting, please contact the office at for details.


October 3rd, 2024​


Lead Service Line Inventory


The EPA issued an announcement back in 2022 outlining the requirement for all group A water systems to initiate a Lead Service Line Inventory, due October 16th, 2024. This inventory is intended to protect the public’s health by understanding what connection materials exist on both the member’s and Association’s service lines. Since that time, Association Staff has been able to verify 100% of the Association’s service line material types and most of the member’s service line connection material types. The list is available on our website as public information, it depicts many details, and we hope that you view it.


We submitted our inventory survey on Oct. 1, 2024, and can report that no lead material types were discovered upstream of the meters during the inventory process. The Association requests that if members with listed unknown material types discover their private service materials, that they report it to the Three Lakes Association office for inclusion with this process. In addition to this new inventory requirement, as part of the regional monitoring plan, the City of Everett requires routine water sampling for Lead and Copper every three years.


Please reach out to the office with any questions.

Thank you,


Don Kemmis, General Manager


CLICK HERE to view 3LWA's Lead Service Inventory Page


December 11th, 2024


A new Member Relations and Communication Committee was formed at the December 10th, 2024 board meeting. The committee is looking for interested members who want to be involved. If you are interested, please come to a board meeting in-person, or virtually and let us know. We want your input, and this is a great opportunity to serve your neighbors and community.



October 29th, 2024


In 2024, both 171st Ave SE Capital Improvement Project segments known as Phase I and II have been completed and put into service. This project targeted the failing 1965 era 6” Asbestos Concrete water main, replacing it with 8” Ductile Iron main, meters, and appurtenances. This 2.5-mile-long project replaced some of the most critical sections of our water system, hardening the primary pathway that delivers our source water to our tank and to the distribution system, feeding all Association member's properties.


Today’s paving activities, along 171s Ave SE to properly restore the roadways, should signify the closing out of the traffic interruptions and the final steps involved to wrap up the project.This project has been in the planning stages for well over 12 years and is the largest project in the history of this Association. We can already see the reductions in water loss, and the cost to move water will also reduce with this effort. It’s been a pleasure to be directly involved with the design, approval process and to oversee the actual 10-month long construction activities for such a significant, overall improvement to this water system. Thank you, the membership and the general public, for your patience in helping to ensure the safety of the full work force involved.



General Manager Don Kemmis

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